Maybe Sammy x Bacardi Reserva 8

“Yes, yes, yes! You seen it f@#+ing right!!”

Maybe Sammy? Maybe Frank? Well, there’s a lot of maybes in life, but this is for sure, these guys did it again!!

For the first time after 12 years, I left my photographer’s instinct on the side and ventured in a complete new world! Andrea, Sarah and I documented (in a very quirky way) the process behind the making of this fabulous cocktail “The Tropicana” made with and for Bacardi Reserva 8! Check it all out!! Don’t be Shy!!

Former Bartender and Part Time Gigolo - Andrea Gualdi

Part Time Shooter and Full Time OCD Photographer - Daniele Massacci

Pineapple Picker and Super Editor - Sarah Fountain